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SQL Server System Defined Databases

SQL Server contains five special databases its own, which are known as system databases.
These databases used by SQL Server for its own maintenance and management.

Below are the description of system data bases with their functionality :-

  1. Master Database :- The master database holds instance-wide metadata information, server configuration, information about all databases in the instance, and initialization information.
  2. Resource Database :- It is a read only database that holds the definition of all system objects. When we access any system database then it seems to define in sys schema of local database but in actual, they reside in Resource Database.
  3. Model Database :- It is used as a template for new user database.
  4. Tempdb Database :- In this database, SQL Server stores temporary data. 
  5. MSDB Database :- In this database, SQL Server have SQL Server Agent configurations.

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